Friday, March 4, 2011

My Baby Has Phlegm On His Chest

Blogger Series Schemtterlinge and flowers: Sunflower

Hello my friends!
I do with the series of Blogger Hanny and am now tuned:). The Te ma is butterflies and flowers and I've chosen the sunflower. First I made a Fußnägeldesign, but it has become nothing ... So here's my AMU:

I used:
-Beauty Solution blue / green palette
-Beauty Solution brown / gold palette
-essence Poket Beauty Palette
no-MNY . 208A
-essence duo no 08
-essence mania black eyeliner, loreal
Voluminous mascara
-white eyeliner (I forget the picture ....)
What colors I used by the eyeshadow did you see circled in the picture.
Find it:
1. Apply only the white eyeliner on the eyelid.
second Then the brown tones on the eyelid and lower auftregan under the lash.
third Make Up Now with the yellow "spikes" around the entire eye.
4th With the golden yellow of the Beauty Solution range again go over the yellow "jagged".
5th Now make up with the 3 shades of green a handle on the cheek.
6th To accommodate even some pure butterfly I've never painted with the eyeliner a little butterfly and light blue eye shadow applied over it.
7th Only the eyelashes and mascara yet ready =).
I know it's for the everyday do nothing, but maybe now for Carnival: D. Made in any case to make up the fun;).
do you like it?


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