Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dryness Of Tongue During Sleeping At Night

100ta post xD

=)!!! Hey lovelies
Today is a very special post-stress * increases * xD ... (ok, you've already read it before in the title ...;)), yes that is the 100th Post to Amsis world. Oha comes to me from fully iwie much, but the time has gone by really fast:). When I was recently the case with the Dashboard thing manageable and there is 98 posts, I thought me so soon omg 100th I wanted something special or something to write to the Post, but I iwie occurred nix xD. I just read very big thank you clean =). To you because you always write me such sweet comments and so =)... And to 21 readers and so you know ...
So thanks:). Here are some Startistik stuff:
first Post: 04/11/2010

readers: 21
Hits: 3,748 (mostly from Germany and Austria)
But I think that you are interested not so honest ... =)
hope my readers would remain faithful to current (new ones are of course welcome: D) ...
eq your AMSI
Blidquelle: google


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