Saturday, March 5, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Football Dress

Review: essence nail art top coat

Hello lovelies;),
Today was really nice weather outside, the morning was still a heel but then the sun came out: D. Shopping was also still a bit short, but what I've bought I'll show you tomorrow. Today I make a review of top coat essence:

- Full Name: sealing top coat of nail art essence
- Price: 1.75 € I think
-ontents I : 10ml
- Color: transparent course
- drying: takes a long time: after 5min. he is reasonably dried, but you can only minutes after about 15th what touch again ... because of fast-drying: o
- durability on the nails: the paint about two days longer makes preservation
- consistency: normal (as in the color and go's)
- Brush: it takes much, much too much of the paint, so you all over again, at the edge scrapers must be (annoying: /)
So I think the top coat flop. In particular, the drying time on my nerves. Can not recommend it to you ... I've heard that the top coat by P2 should be good to me can anyone else recommend a good top coat? What do you think of the varnish?


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